How The Beyer Boys’ AirAdvice Evaluation Can Help You Keep Your Home Comfortable, Healthy And Efficient

How safe is the air that your family breathes inside your home? The humid Texas climate can be a breeding ground for mold and mildew and other allergens. There is also the threat of radon gas and other pollutants that could be putting your family at risk. In fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says that indoor air pollution can pose an even bigger threat than breathing in the polluted outdoor air of big cities like San Antonio.

The best way to determine if the indoor air in your home is contaminated is through an AirAdvice Evaluation. Our expert service technicians will perform a series of tests to determine what contaminants are present and how to eliminate them. The AirAdvice Evaluation includes scientific monitoring of the air to identify:

  • Microscopic airborne particulates
  • High humidity
  • Harmful gases

Your technician will prepare a detailed report on the air in your home with recommendations on how to address any problems, and on how to make the system run more efficiently. Often, the AirAdvice Evaluation can come up with recommendations that will help you reduce energy bills and save money. The most common problems that are identified include moisture problems or problems with poor air circulation. Newer homes are sealed up so tight in many instances that stagnant air becomes trapped inside, which poses a health threat.

There are many ways to address these problems from installing dehumidifiers and air purifiers to plugging leaks or adding insulation. Taking these steps is especially important if someone in your home is already suffering from allergies or asthma because their condition can be aggravated by the presence of indoor air pollution.

If you want to be sure the indoor air you breathe is safe, contact Beyer Boys to perform an AirAdvice Evaluation. Beyer Boys has over 20 years experience taking care of the heating and cooling needs of homeowners in San Antonio.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).

Beyer Boys services San Antonio, TX. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!

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